The Lord is good and greatly to be praised! He alone is worthy!
We trust you all had a blessed Christmas and are already entering into the new year with God’s blessings. We enjoyed having over 20 guests for a Christmas dinner, fellowship, fun, singing, praying, and good food!
This year is a critical year, not only for the world’s political condition, but for the spiritual world. The battle in the spiritual arena is much more intense than the one being waged in the Gulf. Forces are already at work inside some of the eastern European countries to hinder the work of God. Some of the leaders have the same ideological framework but with a new label and face. When we were in Bulgaria, the leaders were more concerned about the Baltic States than the Gulf States. To them, whatever happens with them could most directly affect their recent freedoms. Please keep them and all of us who work with them in your prayers.
Again, thank you for remembering us. Our family is doing well. There are added precautions being taken at the school and in our buildings. God is our Shield and Refuge!
It is our prayer that God will continue to bless you in your labors for Him. We await His Return! Maranatha!
Your friends and partners,
Reuben & Carmen Sequeira
John 15