Fellow-Servants of the Lord,
Our sovereign and providential God which is, which was, and which is to come, the Almighty, bless you out of Zion with revelation and grace through Jesus Christ our Lord and soon-coming King!
You are in our hearts. We are nostalgic writing this last letter from our home here in the States. The long itineration process is nearly over. On July 11 we depart from San Francisco for Europe. We have travelled about 100,000 miles by plane, car, bus, taxi, and train. Open doors allowed us to minister in approximately 300 churches and 500 meetings, in 23 states.
Apart from the grueling schedule, separations from family, etc., the privilege of meeting many of you and the people of God in your cities has been most gratifying. God has graciously manifested His presence in saving, healing, restoring, reviving, and renewing or imparting vision for world missions. We are humbled! Thank you again for the opportunity!
To say “thanks” to so many of you who are faithfully standing with us in prayer and finances may sound trite but it comes from grateful hearts before God. For others, your prayers and intercessions follow us. We need them both!
You are in our prayers. The strength of the Body of Christ is in our spiritual connection with Him and in our partnership with one another.
We are ever so grateful to the Lord for our pastor, Glen Cole, his wife, Mary Ann, the ministerial staff, and friends of Capital Christian Center in Sacramento, CA. Their encouragement, friendship, and pastoral leadership, care, and blessings have lightened our load. Capital Christian School has also been a rich source of blessing to our family.
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen!” Jesus is Lord! Maranatha!
Servants of the Lord and fellow-laborers in the Kingdom,
Reuben & Carmen Sequeira & Family