Carmen and I join you in joyous celebration of Christ the birth of God in ineffable Light, eternal Life, and unending Love! Lively Hope! Blessed Assurance! Glorious Victory! Unfailing Strength! Timely Help! Undeserved Grace! Secure Refuge! Great Faithfulness! Lasting Forgiveness! Perfect Wisdom! Oh, who can describe Him with the failing tongues of men or even of angels! Indescribable! What bliss we enjoy in being related to God through sonship!
We acknowledge our thanks to God and to you for being our friends as well as fellow-laborers in the Kingdom of God. Know that we cherish your relationship with us. Know that you are in our hearts and prayers.
May God richly bless you especially during this Season of the year filled with His Presence, Provision, and Power!
Reuben & Carmen
I John 5:20