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Thanksgiving 1993

Oh, the majesty of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! To Him be glory both now and forever … Amen!

Our home will be filled on Thanksgiving Day with many friends and guests from several different lands and cultures. Although all are not American, we will enjoy the same meaning of “thanksgiving” over some delicious food, warm fellowship, singing, testimonies, prayer, and sharing from God’s Word. We will celebrate with grateful hearts the goodness and faithfulness of God!

We also remember to give special thanks to you. You have been faithful in being partners with us in this ministry of training national leaders, pastors, as well as future leaders in this part of the world. Leadership training is especially essential at this time as we see the “window of opportunity” closing in some countries. Your partnership in prayer, financial support, encouraging and informative correspondence, tapes, birthday greetings, and blessings are deeply appreciated!

You are also continually in our hearts and prayers. We feel somewhat of the personal stress many of you are now experiencing, both personally and with others in the life and ministry of the church. These times demand our greatest response of faith and obedience to our faithful God! NAFTA, OPEC, or GATT cannot reverse God’s plan and sovereign purposes. “In returning and rest shall ye be delivered; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength …” (Isa. 30:15). We stand with you in identifying in your struggles, sorrows, pain, and disappointment. We also celebrate and give thanks together with you for your victories and experience of God’s grace and glory in your life. In both, we are secure in His hands and we need not fear (Psa. 46).

We bless you in Jesus’ Name. We plead the blood of the Lamb over you. We pray God’s rain of the Spirit to fall upon you at this hour of the “latter rain”. We believe with you that since the Anchor of the Soul is within the Veil, we will rejoice and be glad in the Lord (Hab. 3:17-19). We can be encouraged. God is working toward His purpose in our lives (Rom. 8:28,29).

Your friends and partners in the great harvest fields of Eurasia,

Reuben & Carmen Sequeira
Isaiah 41:10