Dear Fellow-Celebrants,
Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable and inexpressible free Gift!
Remembrance! Celebration! A Child in swaddling clothes, fragile and vulnerable … a Divine intrusion onto the human dilemma of hopelessness, still bound by the ravages of sin and guilt, and with the impossibility of having intimacy with the wholly Other … He came not as a dictator, but as a Servant … not with political fanfare or in public view, but in the lowliness of a manger.
This God-Child … we rejoice in Him with the angels and with His Bride, not as a Baby, but as a risen and ascended Lord, not with sentimentalism as we do for newborns, but with a heart full of rejoicing … we bow in humility and gratefulness. The eternal question of whether God exists and cares for the world has been answered! Forgiveness of sins! Eternal Life! Hope! Intimate relationship with God! Jesus has come! We await His Second Coming!
May the risen Christ bless you … make His Face to shine upon you … and may the Prince of Peace give you peace during these special days of celebration!
Reuben & Carmen Sequeira
John 10:10b