Dear Fellow-Pilgrim,
“Oh, we give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercies endure forever … thanks be to the Lord for His indescribable Gift!”
We join with the angels in heaven and with the saints to give thanks to the Lord, especially during this special season. We have much for which to thank the Lord! This has been a very different year! I was privileged to be chosen by the Lord to carry His Name, to share His grace, and enjoy Him in deeper ways! What an experience!
We also thank the Lord for you. You have faithfully shared with us in these trying times with love, support, and mainly with your prayers! You have faithfully exhibited what the Scripture says, that we are the Body of Christ and “when one member suffers, all the members suffer”. We have experienced that special care you have shown both of us. We are deeply grateful and humbled! Now we want you to “rejoice with those that rejoice.”
You are in our prayers continually, to be blessed and recompensed as only He can do. Our heart is exuberant with thanks and praise—the surpassing joy of gratefulness to the Lord!
With grateful hearts,
Reuben & Carmen Sequeira
Psalm 100