As we celebrate the risen Christ we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory for this glorious event with innumerable eternal consequences. We are no longer bound to the past, the present is bursting with rejoicing in hope, and the future is overflowing with exhilarating joy and expectation when we will finally be free from the limitations of time and space… liberated by Christ, Who was fully God and fully Man, Who at His resurrection returned to His original home to be with His Father after His mission of redemption was complete. He now awaits our coming!
So we rejoice in faith. Our hearts are fulfilled yet unfulfilled, waiting to experience our own resurrection—from the temporal to the eternal, from the corruptible to the incorruptible, from the natural to the supernatural… free at last from the rigors of earth to enjoy unimaginable glories with Christ in the heavenlies forever. Hallelujah! What an eternal celebration that will be!1
May this Easter’s commemoration of this glorious and timeless event fill your heart in faith with joyful expectation of your future… may the present reality of Christ’s resurrection and power supersede all that you might be experiencing at present, knowing that soon the temporal shall be supplanted by the eternal. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus face to face… all because of His resurrection!
Enjoy the Spirit of the living Christ as you enter into the worship and celebration of Him! Rejoice!
Christ is risen!! He is risen indeed!
1 See Luke 24:31,36; John 20:19,26; Rom. 8:11; Phil. 3:21; 1 John 3:2; 1 Cor. 6:14, 15:4-58.