A couple of weeks ago, I had the distinct honor of attending the National Religious Broadcaster’s (NRB) Convention and the 200 year anniversary dinner of Thomas Nelson Publishers (TNP). I also attended the National Prayer Breakfast, all in Washington, D.C. Both events were significant in their timing (they were back to back), location (the nation’s capital), and in their message (we must return to God!). I was there to make connection with leaders in the prayer movement.
In the TNP dinner, we heard Michael Reagan, son of former president Ronald Reagan and talk show host, share his testimony. William Bennett, former Secretary of Education, spoke passionately of the moral decline and degeneracy of our nation’s leadership and the need for them AND the American people to return to faith and moral righteousness. His clarion call to what we would call “holiness” was clear, concise, and cogent! Elizabeth Dole spoke of America’s ideals of God-given standards and morals and encouraged us to continue to involve ourselves in the molding of our nation. Powerful!
The day before the NPB, I attended the Diplomatic Luncheon and a special dinner. Each table had hosts to provide Christian hospitality to the over 4,000 attendees which included representatives from more than 160 nations. Though the speakers were not as evangelistic as I would have liked, they shared their faith and prayed. The rest of the day was given to leadership seminars where the witness to Christ was stronger, and a clear and consistent call was given to personal accountability in small groups on every level!
No, I did not shake the hand of the president, “share a word with him”, throw stones, nor point my finger at him during the NPB. Senator Connie Mack, the main speaker, shared His testimony of faith in God. I did return from our visit with three distinct yet overlapping truths.
First, God is sovereign and is working in the very highest levels of our government and of governments around the world. There were many testimonies of God’s Word being heard in “high places” by heads of State, other high level officials, and many different levels of society, including the Japanese Mafia! There are more “Daniels” than I had previously believed.
Second, I came back with a hope, not in the political system, but in the Spirit’s work in the hearts of many of our leaders to faith in Christ. My dilemma is that some of these men and women have not translated their Christian conviction to Christian voting on some issues that I think are moral and not political!
Third, my conviction that prayer (and not condemnation) for our leaders is needed more now than ever in response to God’s Word and to the “slouching toward Gomorrah,” as Robert Bork calls it. Our abhorrence to evil must not become a “sin not to pray,” as Samuel said concerning Saul!
The Lord has opened up many connections and alliances with individuals, churches, and prayer networks around the world. The extraordinary speed, versatility, and scope of today’s communication still amazes me. In one recent prayer request regarding a very delicate issue between two heads of State, my communication for prayer from Sacramento had reached one of the two presidents (in hard copy) before the discussions had begun!
Again, we want to thank you for your faithfulness in prayer, financial support, and friendship to us. Your encouragement by phone, letters, and in person have been deeply appreciated. Please continue to pray for us that we might hear and heed the Voice of God. We are assured of His Presence, confident in His Word, and dependent upon Him for His grace to meet any and all future contingencies and challenges to His character and to our faith and obedience. Our “steps are ordered” (His work in righteousness) to those of us who are “good” (our responsibility and response to His grace). The “good works” are “ordained before the foundation of the world” … we are the “workmanship” (poema—poem) of God!
Know that you continue to be in our prayers as we partner together until He comes AGAIN! The Day is fast approaching. “The night is FAR spent … we MUST labor while it is day …” I see no other Hope than a spiritual renewal, revival, and “re-vision” of Christ in the CHURCH, first among its Leadership to “weep between the porch and the altar” and then with the People “to humble themselves and pray, seek God’s face, and turn from their wicked ways.”
Then, there must be a clear, consistent, courageous, and a cooperative proclamation of the powerful Gospel of the Kingdom to our nation and world as the Church’s priority “program.” The glory of God and the present events of what I call the “compressed prophetic timetable” should press us to move forward “to hasten the coming of the Lord” by fulfilling His two Great Commandments and the one Great Commission. May God grant to you His supernatural favor in “seeing His glory” and “making His deeds known to the nations!”
Blessings … Jesus is Lord! Maranatha!
To the King both now and forever,
Reuben & Carmen Sequeira
Acts 2:42—Every person
Acts 2:46—Every house
Acts 2:47—Every day